Missed the masterclass? Catch the replay!


Pssst. Bossy. Copy College is now open... but not for long.




Bossy. Tone of Voice Guidelines Deck so you can compile your own brand voice bible (in the course) that you’ll refer to daily.


30 open-me juicy subject lines that you can tweak, copy + paste and see epic open + click results for your own business.


Marketing masterclass with Laura Higgins where you’ll learn the simple, actionable tips for building out a complete marketing strategy to get your brand out there.


Branding + design masterclass with Saevil Row featuring expert advice from Rachelle on elevating your brand experience through visuals, for a full circle *brand*.


Social media masterclass with beauty entrepreneur Ashli Templer on how she built her hugely successful business, Yours Only, using a social media strategy built on purpose and personal brand.



Bossy. Copy College is a self-paced course for product + service-based business owners, employees-of-the-month and freelancers who want to *confidently* DIY a bold brand voice, and write every word needed for a brand that packs a serious punch — without spending hours staring at the blinking cursor, or worse, $15k cash with an agency. 


How do you build a successful business that feels like *you*, enters your space with a Bossy.-sized bang, attracts loyal fans
and makes lots of money?

Answer: A unique brand, attention-grabbing brand voice and creative copy.

Surprised? So many business owners, service providers and freelancers think there are higher priorities when starting out: the best branding, cute socials, grammable packaging. 

They think of brand voice + copy as a nice-to-have that they’ll come back to when they have more money, more customers or clients, and more time. But I’m proof that it’s the opposite — you NEED these 3 things to achieve all that stuff. 

Maybe you’re a smart cookie that already knows that? Thing is… you have no roadmap, no time to figure it out, no copywriting skills, no confidence and no f***ing idea where to start.


Hands up if this is you? *All hands rise*

You’re starting your business, side hustle or freelance career and starting to realise, well… it’s no joke for a beginner like you. For starters, why are there so many words?

You’re overwhelmed + don’t know where to start. Like seriously, wtf? What copy do you need for your platforms, what is your brand voice, what stands out and what sells?

You're lacking confidence in your voice, your brand or yourself. You want to stop trying to please everyone and leverage your fun personality, but you’re worried being niche or *polarising* (gasp!) will cut you off from valuable, cashed-up customers. 

You struggle to articulate what’s in your head. Your story, your vision, your messaging, your sense of humour. You know it's in there, but when you sit down at the computer, all you do is stare at the blinking cursor. F***k that guy.

You always have something ‘more important’ to do. Aka, copy is not the highest priority right now. Spoiler alert: it's because you don't truly understand copy and how game-changing it can be. (Hello, I’m Exhibit A.)


You're cash-strapped. So, you’re paying for the bare minimum until money starts coming in. You wish you could outsource copy but you’ll just have to manage for the first couple of years. Besides, you can string a sentence together — how hard can it be?

Your business isn’t quite taking off the way you hoped. You wanted to start something of your own that was different to everyone else, stole all the limelight in your industry, had customers swarming and made enough money for you to have funds and freedom.

Sound familiar? I’m here to tell you that DIY-ing your copy + content doesn’t have to be stressful, daunting or time-consuming. The secret? You need professional guidance, the industry processes and the step-by-step frameworks. Simple.

I'm going to give it to you straight (shocker). Tone of voice and copywriting is what CONNECTS and CONVERTS your audience. Without creative and converting copy, a strong brand personality, a loyal community of fans, and let's be honest, sales coming through the door? People won't find you, trust you, fall in love with you or want to be part of your brand. Sadly, a cute website can't save a sinking business.

How good would it feel to have a business that...

✔️ Stands out in your saturated industry 

✔️ Sells way more products + services 

✔️ Makes it easy to write copy + content 

✔️ Feels just like your personality

✔️ Builds a loyal following and fanbase

…Is already making moves in the world, instead of holding you back?

Sounds like you need *checks notes* a proven blueprint to tone of voice development and almost-done-for-you copy for every platform so you can DIY like the pros at 1/10 of the agency cost and without the hectic wait times.


I’m the Director + Head Writer of Bossy. Copywriting, Host of The Bossy. Type podcast and Headmaster at Bossy. Copy College. When I’m not building fun brands and writing creative copy, I’m teaching ambitious business owners how it's done. Chilli margarita in hand, ofc.

I know where you’re at, because in 2016, I was there too. I had just started a business with no cash, and a goal of helping brands have more fun. The only things I focused on? A strong brand, a unique voice and engaging copy. 

Since then, Bossy. has grown into a multiple six-figure, booked-out business, a #1 podcast, two DIY courses, an epic community, and a reputation for building bold brands and writing copy like no one else. 

If you want to make a similar splash in your space, build a brand that you’re proud to tell your friends about, and make some serious cash along the way, Bossy. Copy College is here to show you how.

This is the same process I used to build Bossy. — and the same process I’ve used to build countless product + service-based brands.


In 2021, I unpacked it ALL to create something for all the *new* business owners banging Bossy.’s door down: a fun, easy and affordable DIY version of a brand + copywriting agency service. 

Now? The Bossy. Copy College alumni have dream customers and clients talking, sharing, following and purchasing. 

Is your biz going to join them?



Need an attention grabbing brand and ALL the copy for a brand that goes BANG, but suck at words and can’t afford an agency to help? Enrol within.

Bossy. Copy College is a self-paced course for product + service-based business owners, employees-of-the-month and freelancers who want to *confidently* DIY a bold brand voice, and write every word needed for a brand that packs a serious punch — without spending hours staring at the f***ing blinking cursor, or worse, $15k cash with an agency. 

Pay in Full!
6-Month Payment Plan!

Just another brand or copy course?
Take a seat, pls.


Bossy. Copy College is the ONLY course that focuses on building a strong brand, a standout voice and personality-packed copy — the 3 things you NEED to build a business that stands out, sells out, sounds like you and saves you loads of time. 

It’s bursting with my own creative processes, developed over time, and shared through video lessons, almost-done-for-you templates, creative exercises and write-with-me examples — so you can see exactly how I do it for my own brand and countless others.

There are three parts to the
Bossy. Copy College framework.

*Points to blackboard*
1: Bold Brand Design

You can’t have a strong (sorority) house without strong foundations. And you can’t write standout, sell-out copy until you know who your brand is, where your customers hang out, and what your competitors are up to. Unless of course, you want to stare at the blinking cursor for hours on end, or bang out words that do nothing for your business.

2: Tone of Voice + Communications

Bossy. has a reputation for creating attention-grabbing brand voices and here I’ll share my two-pronged *secret* approach so you can DIY yours. Once you’ve got your new tone of voice, you’ll bring it to life through creative exercises and compile it into a shiny new brand book that you and the team will reference whenever you write copy or content. Aka, every day.

3: Creative Copywriting

Between your website, emails, Instagram captions, packaging, portfolios and everything else, there’s thousands of words to write — which can cost you thousands of dollars, if you outsource. Instead, I provide the frameworks, templates and even two custom brands (as Bossy. examples throughout), so you can whip these up easily and creatively.

⚡️Your official degree structure⚡️

Aka, what you’ll learn.

Plus, you’ll get a
backpack full of extras.

12-months access to Bossy. Copy College:
Everything you need to DIY your own bold brand voice + write every word needed to launch (or relaunch!) an ecomm or service business with a bang, build a loyal fanbase and make more cash.

Templates, tools + textbooks examples: Think brand-building templates, email flow frameworks, Instagram cheat sheets and my examples of every piece of copy, to make the DIY process quick and easy.

The Dorm Room [Facebook group]: 12-months access to the FB community, so you can ask me questions, get feedback on copy, give + receive advice and connect with other business owners. 

Monthly Q&A Class: Join me once a month for a group Q&A call, to ask questions about any term, lesson or copy you’re working through.

Business bonuses: Snag our TOV brand bible deck, subject line swipe file and 3 expert masterclasses for a brand that cannot fail! 

Want to level up but on a budget?

I've done the math. âšˇď¸Źâšˇď¸Ź

I know what you’re thinking: you’re worried you’ll be investing in yet another course that doesn’t give results. But Bossy. Copy College isn’t another course — I’ve designed it to be crazy valuable and highly practical. You won’t just graduate with knowledge — you’ll graduate with a full brand voice and ALL of the copy for your brand.

Still unsure? I’ll just leave these here. 

  • Bossy. Copy College is (at minimum) 1/10th of the cost of working with an agency 
  • You’ll save about $15,000 by DIYing with the actual processes I use
  • The whole tuition fee is about half the cost of just website copy with Bossy.
  • You’ll have access to the Bossy. team through the Dorm Room (FB group) and live Q&A calls, at no extra cost 
  • If you choose the payment plan option, you can get started today for LESS THAN OUR HOURLY RATE!

I guess I am pretty good at numbers, huh?
Funny. I always thought I was a words person.

Tuition Fees?


Enrol in Bossy. Copy College’s mid-year intake and graduate with a unique tone of voice, ALL of your copy and a brand that launches (or relaunches) with a Bossy.-sized bang!

Pay In Full!



6 Month Plan!



 Pssst. This is a self-paced course with 12 months access. You’ll get immediate access to all video + text lessons, workshops and bonuses and can study whenever you like.

Not sure if Bossy. Copy College is the school for you?

Let’s get this straight. Bossy. Copy College is not another random resource that dies in your inbox, or a mini course you can smash out on one Saturday morning (that’s what Caption Coach is for). It’s also not an overwhelming, overpriced course that leaves you more confused (and more broke!) than before you started. Because we’ve all been there before...

Bossy. Copy College is a complete roadmap with short, achievable and very fun steps towards a full brand voice and ALL of your copy — created and proven by yours truly. It’s made for product + service based business owners, employees (in charge of copy + content) and freelancers who want a brand that stands out and sells out. 

If you’re on the fence, let’s chat! I’m famous for being honest about who this course can help, and if there’s a better option. Just DM me @bossy.copywriting.

Before you go enrolling, let’s make sure this is the right school for you.

Product + Service Based Business Owners 

Work with Bossy. to develop a unique brand voice, create a set of brand guidelines and write every word your brand needs to launch or revamp — without the agency price tag. This course was born so you could have the Bossy. experience on a budget, while learning lifelong copywriting skills that will help you with your everyday emails, captions, emails and other content.

Freelancers + Side Hustlers 

You’re grinding through never-ending client work, business admin and the rollercoaster of freelance lyf — which doesn’t leave much brain power for your own business. But you’re smart: you know you need to have a strong brand that sounds like you, epic content and constant bookings / sales if you want to make this your forever thing. Bossy. Copy College is here to save you, without stealing all your money.

Overachieving Employees

…that really just want to make their day to day easier and their to-do list smaller. I see you. Bossy. Copy College is full of employees-of-the-month who are in charge of overseeing their company’s brand voice, managing communications and writing daily content, and want to make these aspects of their job more bearable (on the company dime).


Tuition Fees?


Enrol in Bossy. Copy College’s mid-year intake and graduate with a unique tone of voice, ALL of your copy and a brand that launches (or relaunches) with a Bossy.-sized bang!

Pay In Full!



6 Month Plan!



Pssst. This is a self-paced course with 12 months access. You’ll get immediate access to all video + text lessons, workshops and bonuses and can study whenever you like.

The Bossy. classroom is waiting for you.

Do something for your own business, for a change. In a few months’ time, you’ll be so happy you enrolled today.